Pope in Morocco: Addressing Migration & Growing Populism in Europe
Written by @EubulletinPope Francis called over the weekend to fix “great and deep wound” opened by the migration crisis in a speech during his official visit to ..
Pope Francis called over the weekend to fix “great and deep wound” opened by the migration crisis in a speech during his official visit to ..
European Union leaders are meeting in Brussels (28-29 June) to discuss the next steps in dealing with the migration issues, which have recently taken ..
German Chancellor Merkel on Sunday (24 July) admitted that she would reach out to EU member states individually since a European solution to the ..
By removing their internal border controls, countries, which are a part of the Schengen Agreement, effectively abandoned their sovereignty in favor ..
The world in 2018 will be shaped by three major factors – power vacuums, the fourth industrial revolution and digital vulnerability – which may ..