Forged in Crisis? — Europe’s Geopolitical Turn Needs a Democratic Reboot
Written by @Eubulletin“Europe will be forged in crisis” must be the most frequently used and abused Jean Monnet quotation about European integration. Brussels-based EU ..
“Europe will be forged in crisis” must be the most frequently used and abused Jean Monnet quotation about European integration. Brussels-based EU ..
EU leaders granted “candidate” status to Ukraine and Moldova at a summit on Thursday (23 June) in a move that can be seen as a ..
Who could be next? As Russia’s invasion force grinds further into Ukraine, other post-Soviet countries also have reason to fear for their future. ..
European leaders have voiced their support for Serbia and Kosovo in their aspirations to join the European Union and pledged additional military ..
Russian forces have continued their new offensive in the east of Ukraine, assaulting cities and towns along a front hundreds of kilometers long, in ..