Countering Terrorism in MENA: EU Funding Focused on Root Causes and Human Security

Written by | Friday, September 15th, 2017

The European Union is going to step up its efforts to fight terrorism in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). In order to do so, Brussels has adopted a program under the Instrument for Stability and Peace worth €17.5 million. Terrorism and radicalization that lead to extremism and violence pose a major security threat to the countries in the region. This three-year program will address drivers and root causes of terrorism and as well as threats in the region to foster human security and build resilience in both states and societies.

Federica Mogherini, chief of the EU’s diplomacy, said that the EU was increasing its work in the region that it sees as its priority. “We have developed a network of counterterrorism experts that are deployed in key countries and a series of counterterrorism dialogues with our partners to exchange best practices and to learn from each other,” said Mrs. Mogherini and stressed that “the best way to address radicalization and violent extremism effectively is by working together, in a comprehensive and concerted way.”

The program will include a first component to contribute to boosting the capacity of local authorities that play a key role in countering extremism and terrorism. The second part will focus on partnerships between authorities, communities, and youth to address underlying factors that can make communities vulnerable to violent extremism. The EU’s security is directly connected to the stability of the MENA region and in order to enhance security for all, the EU has been working on making the coherence between internal and external policies better as outlined in its global foreign policy vision.


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