Morocco’s Risk Assessment: The Only Safe North African Country

Written by | Friday, April 14th, 2017

According to the risk consultancy Control Risks, Morocco remains to be the safest country for business and travel in North Africa. Morocco is the region’s only country that has been given a low security risk in the consultancy’s Riskmap, the leading guide to political and business risk and an important reference for policy makers and business leaders.

In contrast, the Riskmap showed that security conditions in Algeria and Libya still pose a high security risk with the exception of heavily militarized areas surrounding oil and gas wells in Algeria. Libya’s security assessment was marked as extreme and western Egypt scored very high as well. Tunisia was labeled as a medium security risk while within the Arab world only Morocco, Jordan, Qatar, the UAE and Oman were labeled as safe.

Riskmap evaluates the likelihood of state or non-state actors engaging in actions that harm the financial, physical and human assets of a company. The map also evaluates the extent to which the state is able and ready to protect financial, physical and human assets as well as the extent to which state and non-state actors are capable of jeopardizing those assets.

Riskmap has also identified major risk for companies in 2017 – Brexit and Donald Trump, persistent terrorist threats, increasingly complex cyber security environment and a potential brake on US regulations, which could change regulatory environment. Nationalism, global political vacuums and proxy conflicts have been pinpointed as well.

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